jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Tres tipos de compromiso

En realidad, "compromise" es un falso amigo, que ya habíamos incluido en la lista. Se puede traducir como comprometer sólo en casos especiales. Analicemos en detalle:


(sustantivo) = acuerdo, negociación
After some minor fights, they reached a compromise.

(verbo) = ceder, aceptar
They would both have to compromise some of their demands.

= poner en riesgo, hacer peligrar
He didn’t want to compromise his relationship with his son.

= poner en duda, dañar, afectar, comprometer
The picture in internet had compromised his reputation.

= comprometerse, prometer
He was commited to working the whole weekend.
            > They signed a commitment after they reached the compromise.

= asentar, escribir, anotar
Let’s commit this to paper before we forget.

= confiar, encargar, encomendar
I commit the care of my children to you.

= internar, ingresar
He was declared schizophrenic and committed to a mental hospital.

= cometer, perpetrar
The prisoner is likely to commit more crimes if released.


= comprometerse (una pareja)

They are finally engaged! They’ll get married next June.
> engagement = compromiso (de matrimonio)

= entablar
She was engaged in conversation with her mother.

= contratar, emplear
They have engaged my services as a translator.

= involucrar, hacer participar

The teacher engaged the children in a new project.

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