domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

Martín Fierro

Aquí­ me pongo a cantar 
Al compás de la vigüela, 
Que el hombre que lo desvela 
Una pena extraordinaria, 
Como la ave solitaria 
Con el cantar se consuela. 

(José Hernández, 1872)

Quien no lo haya leído, puede hacerlo aquí: Martín Fierro.

Y para nosotros, unas interesantes traducciones al italiano, francés e inglés.
Fuente: Confederación Gaucha Argentina

También para traductores: aquí prometen Seis versiones del "Martín Fierro" al inglés (aunque son sólo cinco) con y sin rima, con y sin respeto de la métrica, e incluso una sin formato de poema:

1. Henry Alfred Holmes (1923)

Here I sit down to sing
To the rhythm of the guitar,
For he who is beset
By extraordinary anguish,
Like the lonely bird
consoles himself with song.

2. Joseph Auslander (1932)

Here I'll start singing
To the throb of my guitar,
For the man whose head is ringing
From night to morning star
With sleepless sorrow must ere long
Like the lone bird assuage his heavy heart with song.

3. Walter Owen (1935)

I sit me here to sing my song
To the beat of my old guitar;
For the man chose life is a bitter cup,
With a song may yet his heart lift up,
As the lonely bird on the leafless tree,
That sings 'neath the gloaming star.

4. Henry Alfred Holmes (1948)

Here commences my song, to the strains of the guitar; for to the man who is a prey to griefs that hardly may be borne, relief comes in song, even as the lonely bird sings and finds consolation.

5. C. E. Ward (1967)

Here I come to sing
to the beat of my guitar;
because a man who is kept from sleep
by an uncommon sorrow
comforts himself with singing
like a solitary bird.

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